Better Built Buildings

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Utility Type Portable & Site Built Storage


CalFinder Remodeling

The Utility Building

Portable & Site Built

The utility building is a broad category of portable and site built storage and other uses building. A site built, detached garage can be called a utility building as can a 10x16 portable workshop. Better Built Buildings offers a six foot by eight foot portable storage building as our smallest utility buildings.

The 12 x 28 garage is a type of utility building. The garden shed or garden house is a very popular utility building. These and the lofted barns are sometimes called Amish sheds, even if they are not built by Amish builders.

All utility type buildings are available in better built grade. Some are also available in best built and budget built grades.

8x12 regular utility

8x10 Utility. Click image for larger view

12x28 garage

12x28 Garage. Click image

10x20 double door workshop

10x20 workshop. Click image larger view

10x16 Side Door Utility

10x16 Utility. Click image for larger view

8x12 Garden Shed

8x12 Garden Shed. Click image

Painted Utility

8x10 Painted Utility. Click image




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Conventional Financing

Zero down, with approved credit. Low APR. Terms form 3 to 60 months. Low payments!


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